• DSG Seminar: Evgenij Belikov – Colocation of Potential Parallelism in a Distributed Adaptive Run-time System for Parallel Haskell, 31.10.2018

    by  • September 10, 2018 • DSG Research Seminars: Logic and Programming Languages

    Title: Colocation of Potential Parallelism in a Distributed Adaptive Run-time System for Parallel Haskell

    EM G.61
    14:15 – 15:15, Wednesday 31 October


    This talk presents a novel variant of work stealing for load balancing in a distributed graph reducer,
    executing a semi-explicit parallel dialect of Haskell. The key concept of this load-balancer is colocating
    related sparks (potential parallelism) using maximum prefix matching on the encoding of the
    spark’s ancestry within the computation tree, recorded at run time, in spark selection decisions.
    We evaluate performance and scalability of spark colocation on five divide-and-conquer-parallel
    benchmarks on a Beowulf-class cluster of multi-core machines using up to 256 cores. We achieve
    a speedup increase of up to 45.81% for three out of five applications due to improved
    load balance throughout the execution as demonstrated by profiling data. Overall, spark colocation
    results in reduced mean time to fetch the required data and in higher degree of parallelism of finer
    granularity, which is most beneficial on higher PE numbers.
