CLANN friends and collaborators:

In Scotland, CLANN collaborates with:

Computer Vision group, School of Computing, Dundee.

AI4FM reserach project, Universities of Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt, Newcastle.

Dr Roy Dyckhoff and Computational Logic group; University of St Andrews

Institute of Behavioural and Neural Sciences, St Andrews

CLANN friends in the UK:

Dr Krysia Broda, Department of Computing, Imperial College;

Dr Artur d'Avila Garsez, Department of Computing, City University London;

Dr John Power, Department of Computer Science, University of Bath.

CLANN friends abroad:

Dr Ioannis K. Hatzilygeroudis, Department of Computer Engineering & Informatics, University of Patras;

PD Dr Pascal Hitzler, Institute for Applied Computer Science and Formal Description Methods, University of Karlsruhe;

Prof. Dr Kai-Uwe Kuehnberger, Institute of Cognitive Science, University of Osnabruck;

Prof. Dr Christine Paulin-Mohring, INRIA Saclay - Ile-de-France;

Prof. Jurgen Schmidhuber, IDSIA;

Dr Anthony Seda, School Mathematical Sciences, University College Cork (NUI);

Dr Laurent Thery, MARELLE, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis;

Prof. Dr Andreas Zell, Computer Science Department, University of Tubingen.