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User-Supplied Routines.

The purpose of each of the user-supplied routines in the file xxx.f90,f is described below.

FUNC :  defines the function $ f(u,p)$ in (2.1), (2.2), or (2.3).
STPNT :  This routine is called only if IRS=0 (see Section 10.8.5 for IRS), which typically is the case for the first run. It defines a starting solution $ (u,p)$ of (2.1) or (2.2). The starting solution should not be a branch point.
(Demos ab, exp, frc, lor.)
BCND :  A routine BCND that defines the boundary conditions.
(Demo exp, kar.)
ICND :  A routine ICND that defines the integral conditions.
(Demos int, lin.)
FOPT :  A routine FOPT that defines the objective functional.
(Demos opt, ops.)
PVLS :  A routine PVLS for defining ``solution measures''.
(Demo pvl.)

In a C language equation file, these routines are written using lowercase letters; with Fortran you can use any case.

Gabriel Lord 2007-11-19