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The AUTO-Constants File.

As described in Section 3, if the equations-file is xxx.f then the constants that define the computation are normally expected in the file The general format of this file is the same for all AUTO runs. For example, the file c.cusp in directory auto/07p/demos/cusp is listed below. (The tutorial demo cusp is described in detail in Chapter 12.)

1 1 0 1                 NDIM,IPS,IRS,ILP
2 2 1                   NICP,(ICP(I),I=1,NICP)
5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0         NTST,NCOL,IAD,ISP,ISW,IPLT,NBC,NINT
200 -2. 2. 0 100        NMX,RL0,RL1,A0,A1
20 0  2 8 5 3 0         NPR,MXBF,IID,ITMX,ITNW,NWTN,JAC
1.e-6 1.e-6 0.0001      EPSL,EPSU,EPSS
0.01 0.005 0.1 1        DS,DSMIN,DSMAX,IADS
0                       NTHL,((I,THL(I)),I=1,NTHL)
0                       NTHU,((I,THU(I)),I=1,NTHU)
0                       NUZR,((I,UZR(I)),I=1,NUZR)

The significance of the AUTO-constants, grouped by function, is described in the sections below. Representative demos that illustrate use of the AUTO-constants are also mentioned.

Gabriel Lord 2007-11-19