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Quick Reference

In this section we have created a table of all of the AUTO CLUI commands, their abbreviations, and a one line description of what function they perform. Each command may be entered using its full name or any of its aliases.

Command Aliases Description
commandAppend ap append Append data files.
commandCat cat Print the contents of a file
commandCd cd Change directories.
commandClean clean cl Clean the current directory.
commandCopyAndLoadDemo dm demo Copy a demo into the current directory and load it.
commandCopyDataFiles copy cp Copy data files.
commandCopyDemo copydemo Copy a demo into the current directory.
commandCopyFortFiles sv save Save data files.
commandCreateGUI gui Show AUTOs graphical user interface.
commandDeleteDataFiles delete dl Delete data files.
commandDeleteFortFiles df deletefort Clear the current directory of fort files.
commandDouble double db Double a solution.
commandInteractiveHelp man help Get help on the AUTO commands.
commandLs ls List the current directory.
commandMoveFiles move mv Move data-files to a new name.
commandParseConstantsFile cn constantsget Get the current continuation constants.
commandParseDiagramAndSolutionFile bt diagramandsolutionget Parse both bifurcation diagram and solution.
commandParseDiagramFile dg diagramget Parse a bifurcation diagram.
commandParseSolutionFile sl solutionget Parse solution file:
commandPlotter p2 pl plot 2D plotting of data.
commandPlotter3D plot3 p3 3D plotting of data.
commandQueryBranchPoint br bp branchpoint Print the ``branch-point function''.
commandQueryEigenvalue eigenvalue ev eg Print eigenvalues of Jacobian (algebraic case).
commandQueryFloquet fl floquet Print the Floquet multipliers.
commandQueryHopf hb hp hopf lp Print the value of the ``Hopf function''.
commandQueryIterations iterations it Print the number of Newton interations.
commandQueryLimitpoint lm limitpoint Print the value of the ``limit point function''.
commandQueryNote nt note Print notes in info file.
commandQuerySecondaryPeriod sc secondaryperiod sp Print value of ``secondary-periodic bif. fcn''.
commandQueryStepsize ss stepsize st Print continuation step sizes.
commandRun r run rn Run AUTO.
commandRunnerConfigFort2 changeconstant cc ch Modify continuation constants.
commandRunnerConfigFort12 hch Modify HomCont continuation constants.
commandRunnerLoadName ld load Load files into the AUTO runner.
commandRunnerPrintFort2 pc pr printconstant Print continuation parameters.
commandRunnerPrintFort12 hpr Print HomCont continuation parameters.
commandShell shell Run a shell command.
commandSpecialPointLabels splabs Return special labels.
commandTriple tr triple Triple a solution.
commandUserData us userdata Covert user-supplied data files.
commandWait wait Wait for the user to enter a key.

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Gabriel Lord 2007-11-19