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Starting Strategies.

There are four possible starting procedures for continuation.

Data can be read from a previously-obtained output point from AUTO (e.g., from continuation of a periodic orbit up to large period; note that if the end-point of the data stored is not close to the equilibrium, a phase shift must be performed by setting ISTART=4). These data can be read from fort.8 (saved to by making IRS correspond to the label of the data point in question.

Data from numerical integration (e.g., computation of a stable periodic orbit, or an approximate homoclinic obtained by shooting) can be read in from a data file using the general AUTO utility @fc or us (see earlier in the manual). The numerical data should be stored in a file xxx.dat, in multi-column format according to the read statement
       READ(...,*) T(J),(U(I,J),I=1,NDIM)
where $ T$ runs in the interval [0,1]. After running @fc or us the restart data is stored in the format of a previously computed solution in s.dat. When starting from this solution IRS should be set to 1 and the value of ISTART is irrelevant.

By setting ISTART=2, an explicit homoclinic solution can be specified in the routine STPNT in the usual AUTO format, that is $ U=...(T)$ where $ T$ is scaled to lie in the interval $ [0,1]$.

The choice ISTART=3, allows for a homotopy method to be used to approach a homoclinic orbit starting from a small approximation to a solution to the linear problem in the unstable manifold [#!DoFrMo:93!#]. For details of implementation, the reader is referred to Section 5.1.2. of ChKu:94, under the simplification that we do not solve for the adjoint $ u(t)$ here. The basic idea is to start with a small solution in the unstable manifold, and perform continuation in PAR(11)=$ 2T$ and dummy initial-condition parameters $ \xi_i$ in order to satisfy the correct right-hand boundary conditions, which are defined by zeros of other dummy parameters $ \omega_i$. More precisely, the left-hand end point is placed in the tangent space to the unstable manifold of the saddle and is characterized by NUNSTAB coordinates $ \xi_i$ satisfying the condition

$\displaystyle \xi_1^2 + \xi_2^2 + \ldots +\xi_{\tt NUNSTAB}^2 = \epsilon _0^2,

where $ \epsilon _0$ is a user-defined small number. At the right-hand end point, NUNSTUB values $ \omega_i$ measure the deviation of this point from the tangent space to the stable manifold of the saddle.

Suppose that IEQUIB=0,1 and set IP=12+IEQUIB*NDIM. Then

PAR(IP) : $ \epsilon _0$
PAR(IP+i) : $ \ \ \xi_{\tt i}$, i=1,2,...,NUNSTAB
PAR(IP+NUNSTAB+i) : $ \ \ \omega_{\tt i}$, i=1,2,...,NUNSTAB

Note that to avoid interference with the test functions (i.e. PAR(21)-PAR(36)), one must have IP+2*NUNSTAB < 21.

If an $ \omega_i$ is vanished, it can be frozen while another dummy or system parameter is allowed to vary in order to make consequently all $ \omega_i=0$. The resulting final solution gives the initial homoclinic orbit provided the right-hand end point is sufficiently close to the saddle. See Chapter 23 for an example, however, we recommend the homotopy method only for ``expert users''.

To compute the orientation of a homoclinic orbit (in order to detect inclination-flip bifurcations) it is necessary to compute, in tandem, a solution to the modified adjoint variational equation, by setting ITWIST=1. In order to obtain starting data for such a computation when restarting from a point where just the homoclinic is computed, upon increasing ITWIST to 1, AUTO generates trivial data for the adjoint. Because the adjoint equations are linear, only a single step of Newton's method is required to enable these trivial data to converge to the correct unique bounded solution. This can be achieved by making a single continuation step in a trivial parameter (i.e. a parameter that does not appear in the problem).

Decreasing ITWIST to 0 automatically deletes the data for the adjoint from the continuation problem.

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Gabriel Lord 2007-11-19