Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming

This is the official web-site for the Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming(TFP), formerly known as the Scottish Functional Programming Workshop (SFP). Information on individual workshops can be found below.

History of TFP

Central Scotland has been very influential in the development of functional programming, with notable contributions including the design, development and implementation of SASL, Standard ML and Haskell. At present there are internationally recognised research groups at the University of Edinburgh, University of Glasgow, Heriot-Watt University and the University of St Andrews, investigating a variety of theoretical and practical aspects of functional programming. The Scottish Functional Programming Workshops draw on the strengths of these and other Scottish centres, and are the worthy successor to the highly-successful series of Glasgow Functional Programming Workshops which ran from 1988 to 1998 (Bibtex entries for almost all GlaFP papers).

Scope of the Workshop

The scope of the TFP symposia covers all aspects of functional programming. More information on particular topics can be found on a separate web page.

TFP Advisory Committee

The TFP advisory committee deals with the long term planning of the workshop series and provides help for each year's programme and local chairs in organising the workshop.

Information for Authors

When preparing a paper for submission to a TFP symposium, please check the website for any style guides and page limits. For the camera-ready versions of TFP papers we use the TFP Latex style. Authors are encouraged to use this style file for the draft proceedings too. More resources for authors of TFP papers, including Bibtex files for all Glasgow FP and SFP/TFP papers, can be found on a separate web page.

Previous TFP Symposia

Here is a list of links to previous SFP/TFP Symposia: