8. Getting the Resource Analysis

The Hume Resource Analysis is distributed in binary format separately from the Hume compiler itself. Releases for different architectures are available: Hume language web page Additionally, snapshots are available here: Snapshots

8.1. On-line resource analysis

An on-line version of the resource analysis is available. You can select from a number Hume example programs, or paste in your own Hume program, and directly perform resource analysis.

8.2. Installing

You can download the Hume Resource Analysis from the Hume software web page .

Currently we ship the analysis in the form of binary distributions, wrapped up as a .tgz (tar-ed, gziped binaries) bundles. To download and unpack a distribution with the name art3-release, do

   wget art3-release  
   tar xvfz art3-release 

Go into the directory bin of the release and create links to the binaries from one of your directories in your path, e.g.

   cd art3-release/bin 
   ln -s * ~/bin 

To test the analysis, go into examples and follow the instructions in Section 2.

8.3. Emacs Hume Mode

An emacs mode for Hume programs is available online. Download it and extract it into a directory in your emacs path, e.g. ~/Elisp. To install it put the following into your .emacs file:

 (setq load-path
	`(,(expand-file-name "~/Elisp/hume-mode"))

  (setq auto-mode-alist
	(append '(("\\.hume$" . hume-mode) ("\\.art3$" . hume-mode))
  (autoload 'hume-mode "hume-mode"
     "Major mode for editing Hume programs." t)

8.4. Hume example programs

A set of example programs, included in the binary distribution, is also available on-line: Hume example programs