Postgraduate research in Functional Programming at the University of Glasgow

We hope to attract three or four new research students to start in October 1996, in the following general areas (but feel free to suggest your own!):

Background information

The Department of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow is seeking applications for postgraduate study from highly qualified and motivated candidates. The department conducts an very active programme of research and covers a broad range of topics including: communications, distributed systems, formal methods, functional programming, graphics and interactive systems, information retrieval, operating systems and persistent systems. We have EPSRC studentships available in all of these areas for UK and European students and a limited number of open studentships.

The Functional Programming Group is an internationally-recognised centre of research in the theory, design, implementation and application of functional programming languages, especially (but not exclusively) the lazy variety. We emphasise the interplay between theory and practice; we try to chip away at the practical obstacles that prevent functional languages from being used more widely, using these challenges to guide and motivate our research priorities.

The Department is a large community, with 33 academic staff, 28 research staff, 27 support staff, and about 400 students, including 40 full-time PhD students. The Department is top-rated for both research and teaching in the UK's national research and teaching assessment exercises. Even though we are large we have a friendly and supportive work environment. The Department's computing environment is based mainly on Sun and Macintosh workstations, with over 350 Macintoshes and approximately 130 Suns.

Glasgow is located on the scenic west coast of Scotland, a short distance from some breathtaking countryside.

For more information visit our WWW home page at

or for specific information on postgraduate studies

For written information and application forms contact

Helen McNee
Department of Computing Science
University of Glasgow
Glasgow, G12 8QQ UK

Phone: +44 (0)141 330 6047
Fax: +44 (0)141 330 4913

or contact one of the above named academic staff direct. (You can get their contact details from their WWW page.)

Jonathan AH Hogg, (editor)
Functional Programming Group,
Department of Computing Science,
Glasgow University,
17 Lilybank Gardens, GLASGOW, G12 8RZ, UK.

Last changed: $Date: 1996/05/13 10:10:57 $