Stan Zachary - Biographical Notes

Current employment

I have worked in the Department of Actuarial Mathematics and Statistics at Heriot-Watt University since 1979 (which is a very long time).

Past history

I was born in Belfast, and educated at the Royal Belfast Academical Institution, King's College Cambridge, where I read mathematics - some of the time, and the University of Durham, where I did a PhD in probability theory.

Dress sense

Minimalist. Contrary to popular belief, I do possess a tie - somewhere. This is unlike Denis Mollison, who does not own one at all.

More on Denis Mollison

He first attempted to teach me elementary probability theory about 40 (!) years ago. I still remember this vividly. He bears some considerable responsibility for persuading me to accept my current job.


Being quite green, I live close to the University, so that I can cycle (downhill) to work. However, I get more exercise cycling home again.

Other interests

Probability theory, music, travel - I often get as far as Balerno, and have been known to visit Edinburgh.