"Quand on a vécu au Liban, la première religion que l'on a, c'est la religion de la coexistence." Amin Maalouf

Le Liban cedar Map Map Phoenician port
ULTRA logo Lebanese landscape
Beirut Lebanese landscape The Lebanese miss Lebanon Tannourine cedars Cedars of Lebanon Baalbek

Fairouz Professor Fairouz Kamareddine,

Post: Professor Fairouz Kamareddine
Professor of Theoretical Computer Science
ULTRA (Useful Logics, Types, Rewriting and their Automation) group
Heriot-Watt University
School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
Mountbatten building, Riccarton
Edinburgh EH14 4ASQ
gmail E-mail: fairouzcedar
Telephone direct: +44 131 451 3868