Prof. Dr. Scient. Radu Mardare
School of Mathematics & Computer Sciences
Heriot-Watt University

Address: Earl Mountbatten Building
First Gait, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, Scotland
Office: EM 1.33
E-mail: R.Mardare[at]
Phone: +44 7813549392










I am a Professor at the School of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland. Prior to this, I was a Professor at University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, Scotland), at Aalborg University (Denmark), a researcher at the Microsoft Research CoSBi Centre (Italy) and at University of Trento (Italy).

I am a logician with a background is in Computer Science, Mathematics  and Philosophy of Science.

Research topics of interest:
-- Mathematical foundations of Machine Learning and Artificial Inteligence
-- Quantitative algebraic reasoning
--Approximation theories for systems
-- Modal Logics, Mu-Calculus, Equational and Co-Equational Logics
-- Structural Operational Semantics, Algebraic effects
-- Dualities with applications in Logics and Model Theory
-- Topological methods for Model Theory
-- Metric semantics for Quantitative Systems (probabilistic, stochastic, weighted, timed)
-- Markov processes and Markovian logics
-- Coalgebras and Coalgebraic Logic, Theories of Bisimulation
-- Non-Wellfounded Set Theory, mathematical models for circular and self-referential phenomena
-- Philosophy and Foundadations of Mathematics, Formal epistemology
