Hans Jürgen Ohlbach, Bernhard Lorenz:
Bernhard Lorenz (editor):
Dynamic Data for Geospatial Reasoning - A Local Data Stream Management System (L-DSMS) and a Case Study with RDS-TMC.

Complete Text [
.pdf, 1343KB]
In: (A1-D6)

In this deliverable we present two developments. The first one is a Local Data Stream Management System (L-DSMS) It is a general system for configuring and (locally) executing networks of processing nodes for data streams. Each such node receives data from one or several data sources, processes them in a certain way, and delivers the processed data to one or more data drains. A data drain can be the data source for the next processing node in the network, or it can be the end application in the whole processing chain. One of the components of L-DSMS is the SPEX XML filtering system. It processes XPath queries on a stream of XML data and can be used to extract interesting information from XML streams. The second development is an application of L-DSMS for processing dynamic traffic information. The traffic information comes from RDS-TMC capable FM receivers. It is processed in several steps and then delivered to several application systems, including databases, statistical analysis systems, wayfinding algorithms, and in particular different graphical visualisation systems.



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