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The SAEL mappings can be retrieved by one of 2 means:

- visually, using the XSPAN-based browser;
- or programmatically via a SOAP-based web service.

Both methods allow the mappings to be viewed but the exact functionality differs. This page describes the first part of the SOAP web service to be provided - SAEL-Core.

The service has the following methods that provide access to the SAEL data:

1. allSael

Returns the entire SAEL list in name of structure, id pairs;

2. anatomyOntology2Sael

Given an id of an anatomical structure it returns the id of the SAEL structure the anatomical structure is mapped to getUri;
Given the id of an anatomical structure this returns any URI that is associated with the structure, e.g. a link back to the structure's web page in the provider's site mappingProvenance;
Given a SAEL id, anatomical id pair it returns the provenance (see Provenance.java) of any mapping between the structures;

3. sael2AnatomyOntology

Given an id of a SAEL structure it returns the ids of those anatomical structures mapped to the input;

The wsdl for the service was produced automatically using Apache Axis (download in .zip format). The Java given to Axis are SaelCore.java and Provenance.java.

Click on the link to download a simple example program (download in .zip format) to access the data was produced using Apache Axis and Java. This requires the user to have Axis installed and to have obtained the client stubs from the wsdl file (download in .zip format).

If they have done so, they will receive the following output (download in .zip format). Alternative toolkits, to Axis, are available and may be used. Please refer to the documentation for assistance.

Click on a menu option for more details of XSPAN-SAEL.

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Last Updated: 7 April 2005