The red squirrel research underpins the work in the following commissioned reports for conservation agencies.


  • White, A. and Lurz, P.W.W. 2014. A modelling assessment of control strategies to prevent/reduce Squirrelpox spread. SNH Commissioned Report No. 627 PDF COPY
  • Lurz, P.W.W., White, A., Meredith, A., McInnes, C. and Boots, M. 2015. Living with pox project: Forest management for areas affected by squirrelpox virus Forestry Commission Scotland Commissioned Report. PDF COPY
  • White, A., Jones, H.E., Lurz, P.W.W and Boots, M. 2015. A modelling assessment of the population dynamics of red squirrels in the Kidland and Uswayford forest, Northumbria, in relation to proposed forest design plans. Forestry Commission Report. PDF COPY
  • White, A., Lurz, P.W.W and Boots, M. 2017. Grey squirrel control along the highland line. SNH/SWT Report. PDF COPY
  • White, A. and Lurz, P.W.W 2018. Grey squirrel control in southern Scotland: A model analysis. FES Report. PDF COPY
  • Slade, A. White, A. and Lurz, P.W.W 2019. Evaluation of Red Squirrel Stronghold Forest Management (Part 1). FES Report. PDF COPY
  • Slade, A. White, A. and Lurz, P.W.W 2019. Identification of Natural RedSquirrel Strongholds (Part 2). FLS Report. PDF COPY
  • Slade, A. White, A. and Lurz, P.W.W 2021. The Impact of Pine Marten Predation on Red Squirrel Conservation. RSTW Report. PDF COPY
  • Slade, A. White, A. and Lurz, P.W.W 2021. Modelling the impact of tree removal due to Phytophthora ramorum on red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris) in the Cowal Peninsula. FLS Report. PDF COPY