Council election 2012     Falkirk     Denny and Banknock

Elected:      Johnny MCNALLY (SNP),  Jim BLACKWOOD (Lab),  Martin OLIVER (SNP),  Brian MCCABE (Ind)

Show transfers
Count stage     
(uses WIG STV - switch to Meek version )

name                     stage1  stage2  stage3  stage4  stage5  stage6
  BLACKWOOD, Jim (Lab)     1189 1189.00 1065.00 1065.00 1065.00 1065.00
  GRANT, David (Con)        196  200.66  204.51    0.00    0.00    0.00
  HAMID, Khalid (Ind)       387  398.93  406.44  428.17    0.00    0.00
  HAY, Terrie (Lab)         443  459.00  539.71  563.15  614.74  684.98
  MCCABE, Brian (Ind)       622  676.99  680.95  714.14  801.19  977.55
  MCNALLY, Johnny (SNP)    1502 1065.00 1065.00 1065.00 1065.00 1065.00
  OLIVER, Martin (SNP)      571  870.09  879.37  900.11  972.54 1062.57
  WADDELL, Alex (Ind)       411  433.11  439.58  480.18  539.49    0.00
  non-transferable            0   28.23   40.44  105.25  263.04  465.89

Valid votes 5321,  quota = 1065

Vote data file:  Denny_and_Banknock.dat