Council election 2012     North Lanarkshire     Mossend and Holytown

Elected:      James COYLE (Lab),  Frank MCNALLY (Lab),  David BAIRD (SNP)

Show transfers
Count stage     
(uses WIG STV - switch to Meek version )

name                      stage1  stage2 stage3 stage4 stage5
  BAIRD, David (SNP)         578  602.45 621.77 642.38 944.30
  COYLE, James (Lab)        1281  846.00 846.00 846.00 846.00
  DELANEY, Paul (SNP)        346  362.30 380.24 389.80   0.00
  MCKEOWN, Kevin (Ind)       291  310.36 358.70 417.07 449.96
  MCNALLY, Frank (Lab)       745 1061.48 846.00 846.00 846.00
  PAWSON, Rosemary (Con)     141  147.45 157.74   0.00   0.00
  non-transferable             0   51.97 171.56 240.74 295.73

Valid votes 3382,  quota = 846

Vote data file:  Mossend_and_Holytown.dat