Council election 2017     South Lanarkshire     Rutherglen Central and North

Elected:      Janine CALIKES (SNP),  Gerard KILLEN (Lab),  Jared WARK (Con)

Show transfers
Count stage     
(uses WIG STV - switch to Meek version )

name                            stage1  stage2  stage3  stage4  stage5  stage6
  BURKE, Raymond (Grn)             206  216.77  217.14    0.00    0.00    0.00
  CALIKES, Janine (SNP)           1492 1286.00 1286.00 1286.00 1286.00 1286.00
  CLARK, Gordon (SNP)              538  719.41  720.25  827.78  880.72  968.24
  KEENAN, Liz (SLD)                478  482.14  483.42  524.13  603.31    0.00
  KILLEN, Gerard (Lab)            1313 1313.00 1286.00 1286.00 1286.00 1286.00
  LENNON, Martin Patrick (Lab)     279  281.76  303.64  330.06    0.00    0.00
  WARK, Jared (Con)                835  835.83  836.42  846.58  876.46 1083.87
  non-transferable                   0    6.09    8.13   40.45  208.51  516.89

Electorate 11856 , votes 5285 (turnout 44.58%); valid votes 5141,  quota = 1286

Vote data file:  Rutherglen_Central_and_North.dat