Council election 2017 (Meek STV version)     Aberdeenshire     Banff and District

Elected:      Mike ROY (Con),  John COX (Ind),  Glen David REYNOLDS (SNP)

Show transfers
Count stage     
(Meek version - switch to actual count (WIG STV) )

name                          stage1
  COX, John (Ind)               1092
  REYNOLDS, Glen David (SNP)    1049
  ROY, Mike (Con)               1509
  SIMPSON, Alison (SLD)          521
  non-transferable                 0

Electorate 9187 , votes 4224 (turnout 45.98%); valid votes 4171,  initial quota = 1042.8, final quota = 1042.8

Vote data file:  Banff_and_District.dat