Council election 2017 (Meek STV version)     Aberdeenshire     Westhill and District

Elected:      Ron MCKAIL (Con),  Iris WALKER (SLD),  Alistair MCKELVIE (Con),  David AITCHISON (SNP)

Show transfers
Count stage     
(Meek version - switch to actual count (WIG STV) )

name                        stage1 stage2 stage3 stage4 stage5
  AITCHISON, David (SNP)       877  904.8  951.3  967.4 1072.6
  COULL, Heather (SNP)         557  580.4  617.6  633.5  770.7
  KIRKHILL, Lindsey (Lab)      266  314.0  444.1  505.9    0.0
  MCKAIL, Ron (Con)           2019 1180.3 1082.0 1053.4  921.7
  MCKELVIE, Alistair (Con)     828 1648.4 1082.1 1053.5  921.7
  SCOTT, Derek (SLP)            79   93.0  151.0    0.0    0.0
  WALKER, Iris (SLD)          1370 1180.3 1082.0 1053.5  921.7
  non-transferable               0   94.8  585.9  728.9 1387.6

Electorate 12017 , votes 6061 (turnout 50.44%); valid votes 5996,  initial quota = 1199.2, final quota = 921.7

Vote data file:  Westhill_and_District.dat