Council election 2017 (Meek STV version)     Argyll and Bute     Isle of Bute

Elected:      Jim FINDLAY (SNP),  Jean Murray MOFFAT (Ind),  Len SCOULLAR (Ind)

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Count stage     
(Meek version - switch to actual count (WIG STV) )

name                         stage1 stage2 stage3 stage4 stage5
  FINDLAY, Jim (SNP)            433    437    461    709  552.0
  GILLIES, Fraser (Ind)         325    343      0      0    0.0
  MACINTYRE, Robert (SNP)       395    402    433      0    0.0
  MCCALLUM, John (Ind)           85      0      0      0    0.0
  MOFFAT, Jean Murray (Ind)     472    494    588    657  552.0
  SCOULLAR, Len (Ind)           340    354    440    502  577.2
  WALLACE, Peter (Con)          427    437    482    492  526.7
  non-transferable                0     10     73    117  269.0

Electorate 4919 , votes 2538 (turnout 51.6%); valid votes 2477,  initial quota = 619.2, final quota = 552

Vote data file:  Isle_of_Bute.dat