Council election 2017 (Meek STV version)     Argyll and Bute     Oban South and the Isles

Elected:      Roddy MCCUISH (Ind),  Mary-Jean DEVON (Ind),  Jamie MCGRIGOR (Con),  Jim LYNCH (SNP)

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Count stage     
(Meek version - switch to actual count (WIG STV) )

name                          stage1 stage2 stage3 stage4 stage5 stage6
  AINSCOUGH, Jake (Lab)          226  229.2  255.8  259.3  285.9    0.0
  DEVON, Mary-Jean (Ind)         734  744.7  792.3  756.6  741.8  709.2
  LYNCH, Jim (SNP)               613  616.9  621.0  626.0  659.1  722.9
  MACDOUGALL, Alistair (Ind)     155  158.4  170.5  184.7    0.0    0.0
  MACINTYRE, Sean (SNP)          506  511.8  520.8  523.8  553.0  603.2
  MCCUISH, Roddy (Ind)           808  763.6  757.8  756.6  741.8  709.2
  MCGRIGOR, Jamie (Con)          629  636.7  670.5  675.8  727.3  801.3
  POLLARD, David (SLD)           154  156.5    0.0    0.0    0.0    0.0
  non-transferable                 0    7.1   36.2   42.2  116.1  279.2

Electorate 8200 , votes 3891 (turnout 47.45%); valid votes 3825,  initial quota = 765, final quota = 709.2

Vote data file:  Oban_South_and_the_Isles.dat