Council election 2017 (Meek STV version)     North Lanarkshire     Stepps Chryston and Muirhead

Elected:      Lynne ANDERSON (SNP),  John MCLAREN (Lab),  Stephen GOLDSACK (Con)

Show transfers
Count stage     
(Meek version - switch to actual count (WIG STV) )

name                             stage1 stage2 stage3 stage4
  ANDERSON, Lynne (SNP)            1292 1137.7 1106.4 1048.1
  GOLDSACK, Stephen (Con)           987  989.0  999.2 1088.6
  KIRLEY, Stephen Francis (SNP)     227  353.7    0.0    0.0
  LAMOND, Scott (Lab)               759  764.9  830.1  938.0
  MCGLINCHEY, Frances (Ind)         416  420.7  544.0    0.0
  MCLAREN, John (Lab)               878  884.7  946.0 1117.7
  non-transferable                    0    8.4  133.3  366.6

Electorate 9305 , votes 4673 (turnout 50.22%); valid votes 4559,  initial quota = 1139.8, final quota = 1048.1

Vote data file:  Stepps_Chryston_and_Muirhead.dat