Council election 2017 (Meek STV version)     Perth and Kinross     Strathmore

Elected:      Dennis MELLOY (Con),  Colin STEWART (Con),  Lewis David Dawson SIMPSON (SLD),  Fiona Janet SARWAR (SNP)

Show transfers
Count stage     
(Meek version - switch to actual count (WIG STV) )

name                                  stage1 stage2 stage3 stage4 stage5
  GALLAGHER, Michael Peregrine (Grn)     268  274.8  278.5  282.9    0.0
  LIVINGSTONE, Alan (Ind)                270  277.3  284.6  293.1  399.6
  MELLOY, Dennis (Con)                  1833 1369.7 1363.4 1360.9 1334.2
  SARWAR, Fiona Janet (SNP)             1251 1267.2 1270.3 1272.5 1355.8
  SIMPSON, Lewis David Dawson (SLD)     1342 1366.0 1386.8 1360.9 1334.2
  STEWART, Colin (Con)                  1047 1424.1 1363.4 1360.9 1334.2
  STRATTON, Ian (SNP)                    866  868.8  869.9  873.0  912.8
  non-transferable                         0   29.1   60.2   72.7  206.2

Electorate 12165 , votes 7042 (turnout 57.89%); valid votes 6877,  initial quota = 1375.4, final quota = 1334.2

Vote data file:  Strathmore.dat