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Evaluation Strategies

In the examples above, the code describing the algorithm and dynamic behaviour are intertwined, and as a consequence both have become rather opaque. In larger programs, and with carefully-tuned parallelism, the problem is far worse. This section describes evaluation strategies, our solution to this dilemma. The driving philosophy behind evaluation strategies is that it should be possible to understand the semantics of a function without considering its dynamic behaviour.

An evaluation strategy is a function that specifies the dynamic behaviour required when computing a value of a given type. A strategy makes no contribution towards the value being computed by the algorithmic component of the function: it is evaluated purely for effect, and hence it returns just the nullary tuple ().

type Strategy a = a -> ()

{trinder,hwloidl,simonpj}@dcs.gla.ac.uk, kh@dcs.st-and.ac.uk

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