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Strategies Controlling Evaluation Degree

The simplest strategies introduce no parallelism: they specify only the evaluation degree. The simplest strategy is termed r0 and performs no reduction at all. Perhaps surprisingly, this strategy proves very useful, e.g. when evaluating a pair we may want to evaluate only the first element but not the second.
r0 :: Strategy a 
r0 _ = ()
Because reduction to WHNF is the default evaluation degree in GpH, a strategy to reduce a value of any type to WHNF is easily defined:
rwhnf :: Strategy a 
rwhnf x = x `seq` ()

Many expressions can also be reduced to normal form (NF), i.e. a form that contains no redexes, by the rnf strategy. The rnf strategy can be defined over built-in or datatypes, but not over function types or any type incorporating a function type as few reduction engines support the reduction of inner redexes within functions. Rather than defining a new rnfX strategy for each data type X, it is better to have a single overloaded rnf strategy that works on any data type. The obvious solution is to use a Haskell type class, NFData, to overload the rnf operation. Because NF and WHNF coincide for built-in types such as integers and booleans, the default method for rnf is rwhnf.

class NFData a where
  rnf :: Strategy a
  rnf = rwhnf

For each data type an instance of NFData must be declared that specifies how to reduce a value of that type to normal form. Such an instance relies on its element types, if any, being in class NFData. Consider lists and pairs for example.

instance NFData a => NFData [a] where
  rnf [] = ()
  rnf (x:xs) = rnf x `seq` rnf xs

instance (NFData a, NFData b) => NFData (a,b) where
  rnf (x,y) = rnf x `seq` rnf y 


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