Invited Talks
Call for papers
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Invited Speakers

Gerad Huet (France)
Kazuhiro Yokoyama (Japan)

Title and Abstract of Invited Talks

Gerard Huet

Eilenberg machines revisited as a general paradigm for relational programming

In his 1974 foundational book on automata theory, Samuel Eilenberg defined an interesting generalization of finite-state automata, which he called "X-machines". This theory is not well known. It turns out that this notion, appropriately made constructive, gives a very interesting foundation for relational programming. This was investigated by Benoit Razet, in his 2009 thesis "Machines d'Eilenberg effectives". Razet gave a general framework generalizing Gerard Huet's Zen functional programming toolkit for computational linguistics, which was successfully applied to a platform of computational treatment of the Sanskrit language. The talk will explain the main notions of effective Eilenberg machines, and will demonstrate their use in various tasks of computational linguistics.

Kazuhiro Yokoyama

Quantifier Elimination for Solving Real Engineering Problems


Realizing practical quantifier elimination (QE) has been developed by several researches, since cylindrical algebraic decomposition, as a great breakthrough, was invented by George Collins in 1973. Now it becomes a powerful computational tool for solving real problems described by algebraic inequality constraints. In this talk, in order to show its ability, we will focus on the recent developments on its application to control theory and will explain how we can compute the exact solution and parametric optimization efficiently with help of effective equality constrain solving by Groebner basis. Moreover, we will explain recent practical improvements on algorithms of QE.

Last Updated: 2012-04-21