Question I: regexps

  1. Which of the following matches regexp /abababa/?
    1) abababa
    2) aaba
    3) aabbaa
    4) aba
    5) aabababa
  2. Which of the following matches regexp /ab+c?/?
    1) abc
    2) ac
    3) abbb
    4) bbc
  3. Which of the following matches regexp /a.[bc]+/?
    1) abc
    2) abbbbbbbb
    3) azc
    4) abcbcbcbc
    5) ac
    6) asccbbbbcbcccc
  4. Which of the following matches regexp /abc|xyz/?
    1) abc
    2) xyz
    3) abc|xyz
  5. Which of the following matches regexp /[a-z]+[\.\?!]/?
    1) battle!
    2) Hot
    3) green
    4) swamping.
    5) jump up.
    6) undulate?
    7) is.?
  6. Which of the following matches regexp /[a-zA-Z]*[^,]=/?
    1) Butt=
    2) BotHEr,=
    3) Ample
    4) FIdDlE7h=
    5) Brittle =
    6) Other.=
  7. Which of the following matches regexp /[a-z][\.\?!]\s+[A-Z]/?
    (\s matches any space character)
    1) A. B
    2) c! d
    3) e f
    4) g. H
    5) i? J
    6) k L
  8. Which of the following matches regexp /(very )+(fat )?(tall|ugly) man/?
    1) very fat man
    2) fat tall man
    3) very very fat ugly man
    4) very very very tall man
  9. Which of the following matches regexp /<[^>]+>/?
    1) <an xml tag>
    2) <opentag> <closetag>
    3) </closetag>
    4) <>
    5) <with attribute=”77”>
  10. Write a regexp to identify dates of the form dd/mm/yyyy.
    I expect dd to range from 1 to 31, and mm to range from 1 to 12, and I expect yyyy to not be 0000 (the Gregorian calendar predates this; see Year 0 and the invention of 0).
    However, I do not expect you to cross-reference mm against dd or to restrict yyyy, so that e.g. 31/02/0231 is fine.
  11. Write a regexp to identify dates of the form dd/mm/yyyy or, but not using mixed separators such as dd/mm.yyyy.
  12. (Unmarked) Explain whether a regexp can identify correct bracketing, as in ((a)) but not (((a).
  13. (Unmarked) Explain the relevance of the regexp /Whiske?y/
  14. (Unmarked) Write a regexp for the set of even numbers (base 10; so the alphabet is [0-9]).
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Question II: Grammars

  1. Write a regular grammar to generate the language determined by the regexp /a*b*/
  2. Write a regular grammar to generate the language determined by the regexp /(ab)*/
  3. Write a regular grammar to generate the language matched by /Whiske?y/
  4. Write a regular grammar to generate decimal numbers; the relevant regexp is /[1-9][0-9]*(\.[0-9]*[1-9])?/
  5. Give a context free grammar for the language L = { aⁿ bⁿ | n ∈ ℕ}.
  6. Give a context free grammar for the set of properly bracketed sentences over alphabet { 0 , ( , ) } (so 0 and ((0)) are fine, and 00 and 0) are not fine).
  7. Write a context free grammar to generate possibly bracketed expressions of arithmetic with + and * and single digit numbers. So 0 and (0+9) are fine, and (0+)1 and 12 are not fine.
  8. Give a grammar for palindromes over the alphabet { a , b }.
  9. A parity-sequence is a sequence consisting of 0s and 1s that has an even number of ones. Give a grammar for parity-sequences.
  10. Write a grammar for the set of numbers divisible by 4 (base 10; so the alphabet is [0-9]). You might like to read this page on divisibility testing, first.
  11. (Unmarked) Write a grammar for the set of numbers divisible by 3 (base 10; so the alphabet is [0-9]).
  12. (Unmarked) Write a grammar for the set of numbers divisible by 11 (base 10; so the alphabet is [0-9]).
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Question III: More on grammars

  1. State which of the following production rules are left-regular, right-regular, left-recursive, right-recursive, context-free (or more than one, or none, of these):
    1. $\mbox{Thsi} \longrightarrow \mbox{This}\ $ (a rewrite auto-applied by Microsoft Word).
    2. \(\mbox{Sentence} \longrightarrow \mbox{Subject Verb Object}\). (Here Sentence, Subject, Verb, and Object are non-terminal symbols.)
    3. $X \longrightarrow Xa$.
    4. $X \longrightarrow XaX$.
  2. What is the object language generated by $X \longrightarrow Xa$ (see lecture 2)?
  3. Construct context-free grammars that generate the following languages:
    1. $(ab|ba)^*$,
    2. $\{(ab)^na^n\ |\ n\geq 1\}$,
    3. $\{w\in\{a,b\}^*\ |\ \mbox{ $w$ is a palindrome }\}$,
    4. $\{w\in\{a,b\}^*\ |\ \mbox{ $w$ contains exactly two $b$s and any number of $a$s }\}$,
    5. $\{a^nb^m\ |\ 0\leq n\leq m\leq 2n \}$.
  4. (Unmarked) Consider the grammar $G=(\{S,A,B\}, \{a,b\}, P, S)$ with productions
    S & \longrightarrow & S{}A{}B\ |\ \varepsilon\\
    A & \longrightarrow & aA\ |\ \varepsilon\\
    B & \longrightarrow & Bb\ |\ \varepsilon
    1. Give a leftmost derivation for $aababba$.
    2. Draw the derivation tree corresponding to your derivation.
  5. State with proof whether the following grammars are ambiguous or unambiguous:
    1. $G=(\{S\}, \{a,b\}, P, S)$ with productions $S \longrightarrow aSa\ |\ aSbSa\ |\ \varepsilon$.
    2. $G=(\{S\}, \{a,b\}, P, S)$ with productions $S \longrightarrow aaSb\ |\ abSbS\ |\ \varepsilon$.
  6. Rewrite the following grammar to eliminate left-recursion:
    exp \longrightarrow exp + term \mid exp\ -\ term \mid term .
  7. Write a grammar to parse arithmetic expressions (with $+$ and $\times$) on integers (such as $0$, $42$, $-1$). This is a little harder than it first sounds because you will need to write a grammar to generate correctly-formatted positive and negative numbers; a grammar that generates $-01$ is unacceptable. You may use dots notation to indicate obvious replication of rules, as in “$D \longrightarrow 0 \mid \dots \mid 9$”, without comment.
  8. Write two distinct parse trees for $2+3*4$ and explain in intuitive terms the significance of the two different parsings to their denotation.
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Question IV: DFAs and NFAs

  1. By writing a regular expression or a grammar, describe the language accepted by the DFA
  2. By writing a regular expression or a grammar, describe the language accepted by the DFA
  3. Construct NFAs (possibly with $\epsilon$-moves) to recognise the languages on alphabet {a,b} such that:
    1. $L=\{w\in\{a,b\}^*\ |\ \mbox{ $w$ contains at most two $a$’s }\}$
    2. $L=\{w\in\{a,b\}^*\ |\ \mbox{ $w$ contains an even number of occurrences of $ab$ as a subword }\}$
    3. $L=\{w\in\{a,b\}^*\ |\ \mbox{ the first and the last letter of $w$ are identical }\}$
  4. By writing a regular expression or a grammar, describe the language accepted by the NFA
  5. By writing a regular expression or a grammar, describe the language accepted by the NFA
  6. (Unmarked) Use the powerset construction (see lecture 5) to construct a DFA that recognises the same language as the following NFA:
  7. (Hard) Let $L$ be the language recognised by the NFA
    1. Construct a context-free grammar $G$ that generates language $L$.
    2. State with proof whether $G$ is ambiguous or unambiguous.
  8. (Unmarked) Let $G=(\{S,A,B\},\{a,b\},P,S)$ be the context-free grammar with productions
    S & \longrightarrow & aAbS\ |\ bBaS\ |\ \varepsilon,\\
    A & \longrightarrow & aAbA\ |\ \varepsilon,\\
    B & \longrightarrow & bBaB\ |\ \varepsilon.
    Give a short and intuitive English description of the language determined by $G$ (such a description does exist).
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Question V: PDAs

In the questions below, assume the alphabet is $\{a,b\}$. Your answer must state the acceptance mode used.

  1. Describe a pushdown automaton that recognises \(\{a^m b^n a^m \mid m,n\geq 0 \}\).
  2. Assume \(m,n\geq 0\). Describe a DFA that recognises \(\{a^m b^n a^m \}\).
    Explain why this question is different from the previous question.
  3. Describe a pushdown automaton that recognises \(\{a^m b^{2n}\mid m,n\geq 0 \}\).
  4. Describe a pushdown automaton that recognises \(\{a^m b^n\mid m> n > 0 \}\).
  5. Describe a pushdown automaton that recognises \(\{ w \mid {\#{}_a} w={\#{}_b} w \}\),
    where \(\#{}_a w\) is the number of $a$s appearing in $w$ and \(\#{}_b w\) is the number of $b$s appearing in $w$.
  6. Describe a pushdown automaton that recognises \(\{ w \mid \#{}_a w=2\#{}_b w \}\).
  7. Describe a pushdown automaton that recognises \(\{ w \mid \#{}_a w\neq \#{}_b w \}\).
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Some exercises based on these notes.