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Two Dimensional Plotting Tool

The two dimensional plotting tool can be run by using the command plot() to plot the files fort.7 and fort.8 after a calculation has been run, or using the command plot('foo') to plote the data in the files and

The menu bar provides two buttons. The File button brings up a menu which allows the user to save the current plot as a Postscript file or to quit the plotter. The Options button allows the plotter configuration options to be modified. The available options are decribed in Table 4.7. In addition, the options can be set from within the CLUI. For example, the set of commands in Figure 4.16 shows how to create a plotter and change its background color to black. The demo script auto/07p/demo/python/ contains several examples of changing options in plotters.

Pressing the right mouse button in the plotting window brings up a menu of buttons which control several aspects of the plotting window. The top two toggle buttons control what function the left button performs. The print value button causes the left button to print out the numerical value underneath the pointer when it is clicked. When zoom button is checked the left mouse button may be held down to create a box in the plot. When the left button is released the plot will zoom to the selected portion of the diagram. The unzoom button returns the diagram to the default zoom. The Postscript button allows the user to save the plot as a Postscript file. The Configure... button brings up the dialog for setting configuration options.

% latex2html id marker 1023
{\small\begin{center}\begin{boxedver... the files
fort.7 and fort.8 exist in the current directory.

  • The options for the AUTO CLUI two dimensional plotting window.
  • Query string Meaning
    background The background color of the plot.
    bifurcation_column_defaults A set of bifurcation columns the user is likely to use.
    bifurcation_diagram A parsed bifurcation diagram file to plot.
    bifurcation_diagram_filename The filename of the bifurcation diagram to plot.
    bifurcation_symbol The symbol to use for bifurcation points.
    bifurcation_x The column to plot along the X-axis for bifurcation diagrams.
    bifurcation_y The column to plot along the Y-axis for bifurcation diagrams.
    color_list A list of colors to use for multiple plots.
    decorations Turn on or off the axis, tick marks, etc.
    error_symbol The symbol to use for error points.
    foreground The background color of the plot.
    grid Turn on or off the grid.
    hopf_symbol The symbol to use for Hopf bifurcation points.
    index An array of indicies to plot.
    label An array of labels to plot.
    label_defaults A set of labels that the user is likely to use.
    limit_point_symbol The symbol to use for limit points.
    mark_t The t value to marker with a small ball.
    maxx The upper bound for the x-axis of the plot.
    maxy The upper bound for the y-axis of the plot.
    minx The lower bound for the x-axis of the plot.
    miny The lower bound for the y-axis of the plot.
    period_doubling_symbol The symbol to use for period doubling bifurcation points.
    ps_colormode The PostScript output mode: 'color', 'gray' or 'monochrome'.
    runner The runner object from which to get data.
    special_point_colors An array of colors used to mark special points.
    special_point_radius The radius of the spheres used to mark special points.
    solution A parsed solution file to plot.
    solution_column_defaults A set of solution columns the user is likely to use.
    solution_filename The filename of the solution to plot.
    solution_x The column to plot along the X-axis for solutions.
    solution_y The column to plot along the Y-axis for solutions.
    symbol_font The font to use for marker symbols.
    symbol_color The color to use for the marker symbols.
    tick_label_template A string which defines the format of the tick labels.
    tick_length The length of the tick marks.
    torus_symbol The symbol to use for torus bifurcation points.
    type The type of the plot, either ``solution'' or ``bifurcation''.
    use_labels Whether or not to display label numbers in the graph.
    user_point_symbol The symbol to use for user defined output points.
    xlabel The label for the x-axis.
    xmargin The margin between the graph and the right and left edges.
    xticks The number of ticks on the x-axis.
    ylabel The label for the y-axis.
    ymargin The margin between the graph and the top and bottom edges.
    yticks The number of ticks on the y-axis.

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    Gabriel Lord 2007-11-19