The Dendrogrammer Code Documentation

dendrogrammer  Dendrogrammer version 1.0.3

The Dendrogrammer > dendrogrammer

Module: dendrogrammer

The Dendrogrammer - production version 1.0.0 The Dendrogrammer creates an interactive dendrogram from clustering data. These pages document the JavaScript part of the application (which is the major part).

The Dendrogrammer was created by David Allan Robb, March 2011 to August 2011

NOTE: IMPORTANT: You need to know: There is a limit placed on the number of clusters that can be grown into the cluster tree. It is set in the ClusterNode constructor, this.growLimit=2000. It uses a global variable, growCounter. It is an arbitrary limit placed to prevent interminable loops with erroneous data. It could be increased.

There are some 'constants' declared at the start which could be tuned to affect the dendrogram appearance. These are:
-leafSpace (the amount of vertical space occupied on the chart by one leaf),
-margin (the amount of space around the chart outside the axes), and
-leafLabelSpace (the amount of space for the labels down the vertical axis).

There are also three element styling 'constants':
and nodeHighlightColour.

The following instances of class objects are declared at a global level. (However, none of these objects are accessed via global scope. If one of the classes requires access to another it is passed a reference as a parameter.) Refer to class descriptions for details:
-theClusterTable, the instance of ClusterTable
-theStyles, the instance of Styles
-theClusterTree, the instance of ClusterTree
-theCanvas, the instance of Canvas
-theAxes, the instance of GraphAxes
-theDendrogram, the instance of Dendrogram

This module contains the following classes:

The Dendrogrammer © 2011 D.Robb (See Readme for MIT licence). These pages were created with YUIDoc Copyright © 2011 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.