Council election 2017 (Meek STV version)     Argyll and Bute     Helensburgh Central

Elected:      Gary MULVANEY (Con),  Lorna DOUGLAS (SNP),  Aileen MORTON (SLD),  Graham Archibald HARDIE (SLD)

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Count stage     
(Meek version - switch to actual count (WIG STV) )

name                              stage1 stage2 stage3
  DOUGLAS, Lorna (SNP)               873  693.1  674.3
  HARDIE, Graham Archibald (SLD)     258  387.6  709.0
  MORTON, Aileen (SLD)               694 1142.9  674.3
  MULVANEY, Gary (Con)              1789  693.1  674.3
  ROBB, James (Ind)                  247  548.7  639.5
  non-transferable                     0  395.4  489.7

Electorate 7574 , votes 3917 (turnout 51.72%); valid votes 3861,  initial quota = 772.2, final quota = 674.3

Vote data file:  Helensburgh_Central.dat