Other Institutes

At the Monash University (Australia) there is an extensive list of WWW servers on computer science.


(see also WWW servers in the UK, sorted by city (cache))

o School of Mathematical & Computational Sciences, University of St. Andrews (papers)
o Department of Computer Science, University of Birmingham
o Department of Computer Science, University of Durham ( Laboratory for Natural Language Engineering)
o Department of Computer Science, University of Edinburgh
o Department of Computing & Electrical Engineering, Heriot-Watt University
o Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre
o Department of Computing, Imperial College, London
o Computer Science Department, University of Manchester with the Centre for Novel Computing
o School of Information Systems, University of East Anglia (Norwich)
o Department of Computer Science, University of Nottingham o Department of Computer Science, University of Hull
o The School of Information Systems, University of East Anglia
o Department of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton
o Computing Science and Mathematics, University of Stirling
o Department of Computer Science, University of York
o Department of Computer Science, University of Bristol
o Department of Computer Science, University of Exeter
o Theory and Semantics Group @ University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory
o Group on Programming Principles and Tools, @ Microsoft Research, Cambridge

(see also Virtual Library Index for German Universities)

o Department of Computing Science, Chalmers University of Technology
o Departmant of Computing Science, University of Nijmegen
o Department of Computer Science, University of Amsterdam
o DIKU WWW Home Page (TOPPS Group)
o Fakultät für Informatik, Universität Karlsruhe
o Informatik II RWTH Aachen
o Informatik, Uni Marburg
o Chair III (software technology etc) Chair V (computer algebra etc) of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Bonn
o Computer Organization and Architecture, Universität Kiel
o LMU University Munich
o Department of Engineering Applications in Informatics, Numerical Programming, TU München
o Informatik, TU Darmstadt
o Wirtschaftsinformatik, Uni Augsburg
o Institut für Informatik, Uni Freiburg, Prof Thiemann ( Abteilung für Programmiersprachen)
o RISC Linz
o Networked and Embedded Systems, Uni Klagenfurt
o Computer Science, Uni Salzburg
o Research Instiute for Software Technology, Uni Salzburg
o Institute for Advanced Computer Engineering, Uni Vienna
o Institute for Software Science, Uni Vienna
o Institute for Software Technology, Uni Graz
o Institute for Informatics, Uni Innsbruck
o ACPC Austrian Center for Parallel Computation
o Department of Artificial Intelligence, Technical University of Madrid
o Department of Theoretical Computer Science, University of Ljubljana
o INRIA Home Page
o Ecole normale superieure - Paris (with P. Cousot's Semantics and Abstract Interpretation group
o Parallel and Distributed Systems Laboratory, MTA SZTAKI, Hungary
o Computer Science Laboaratory, Ericsson Telecom


o Functional Programming at Yale
o MIT Laboratory for Computer Science:
o Computer Science Division, University of California, Berkeley
o Computer Science, U.C. Santa Barbara.
o School of Computer Science, CMU
o Computer Science Department, University of Stanford
o Department of Computer Science, University of Tennessee
o Department of Computer Science, New York University Computer Science Dept, Stony Brook University
o School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
o Computer Science Department, Colorado State University ( SISAL Home Page)
o Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin/Madison (Tech. Reports) Parallel Programming Laboratory, (Charm papers)
o Department of Computing and Information Sciences, Kansas State University
o Oregon Graduate Institute
o Argonne National Laboratory (papers)
o Department of Computer Science, Princeton University
o Department of Computer Sciences, Purdue University
o Stony Brook Computer Science Department
o Programming Languages Team, Dept of Computer Science, Rice University
o Department of Computing Science, University of Arizona (Library)
o School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, Canada
o Department of Computing and Information Science, Queens University, Canada
o Maple Home Page, at the University of Waterloo
o Parallel Systems Lab of the School of Computer Science. McGill University, Montreal


o Department of Computer Science, University of Tasmania
o School of Computing and Information Technology, Griffith University (Brisbane)
o School of Computer and Information Science, University of South Australia


o Distributed Computing Lab in the Institute of Computer Science at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem
o ICOT, Institute for New Generation Computer Technology
o Department of Information Science, University of Tokyo
o University of Tsukuba



Hans-Wolfgang Loidl <hwloidl@cee.hw.ac.uk>
Last modified: Mon Apr 11 21:23:41 2011