Marcelo Pereyra | Research group

Maxwell Insitute for Mathematical Sciences
School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Heriot-Watt University

Research group

My research group and network of collaborators are central to my research activities and why I find research so enjoyable and stimulating. I list below my current and former PhD students and postdocs. For information about my collaborations, please my publications and my g scholar profile.

Our research is mainly about new mathematical theory, methods and algorithms to solve challenging inverse problems related to mathematical and computational imaging. We are particularly interested in new Bayesian analysis and computation approaches, and in the synergy between the Bayesian, the variational, and the machine learning paradigms for imaging methodology. Our research is in part funded by two UKRI EPSRC projects (see BOLT and BLOOM).


PhD students


I am a principal investigator in the UKRI EPSRC Project Learned Exascale Computational Imaging (LEXCI), led by Prof. Jason McEwen, that will develop novel highly parallelized and distributed hybrid algorithms that blend model-based and deep learning computational imaging approaches, with special attention to scalability, uncertainty quantification, and applications in radio astronomy.

Former PhD students

© 2017 Marcelo Pereyra
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