On the complexity of the
endomorphism problem in free groups
(PhD thesis, Rutgers University, USA, 2005)
Algorithmic, asymptotic and combinatorial facets of the Diophantine Problem in groups
(Habilitation, Fribourg University, Switzerland, 2013)
Polynomial-time complexity for
instances of the endomorphism problem in free groups
(International Journal of Algebra and Computation, Vol.17, No.2, 289-328, 2007)
CRM Preprint (pdf)
Two examples in the Galois theory of free groups,
CRM Preprint (pdf)
with Warren Dicks (Journal of Algebra, Vol. 305, Issue 1, 540-547, 2006)
Characterization of non-minimal
tree actions,
with Lisa Carbone (Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl., Tome 52, 4, 377-388, 2007)
Restricted walks in regular trees,
with Sasa Radomirovic (Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 13, R93, 2006) CRM Preprint (pdf)
Automorphism group and canonical form algorithms for finite solvable groups,
with M. Slattery and M. Smith (Preprint 2006)
The equation xp yq
= zr and groups that act freely on Λ-trees,
with N. Brady, A. Martino and S. O Rourke (Transactions of the AMS, 361, 223-236, 2009)
CRM Preprint (pdf)
Generic intersections of subgroups in free groups and the Hanna Neumann Conjecture,
with A. Martino and E. Ventura
CRM Preprint 2007(pdf)
The monomorphism problem in free groups,
with A. Ould Houcine (Archiv der Mathematik, Volume 94, Issue 5, Page 423-436, 2010) older version on arxiv
On Lyndon's equation in some HNN-extensions and Lambda-free groups,
with B. Fine and G. Rosenberger. (Journal of Group Theory, Vol.14, 333-339, 2011)
On the asymptotics of visible elements and homogeneous equations in surface groups,
with Y. Antolin Pichel and N. Viles (Groups, Geometry and Dynamics, 6, Issue 4, 619-638, 2012) arxiv
Rapid Decay is Preserved by Graph Products,
with Derek F. Holt and Sarah Rees (Journal of Topology and Analysis, Vol. 5, No. 2, 225 - 237, 2013)
Rapid decay and Baum-Connes for large type Artin groups,
with Derek F. Holt and Sarah Rees (Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 368, 6103-6129, 2016)
Geodesic growth in right-angled and even Coxeter groups,
with Yago Antolin (European Journal of Combinatorics, 34, 859-874, 2013)
Conjugacy growth series and languages in groups,
with Susan Hermiller (Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 366, 2803-2825, 2014)
The surface group conjecture: Cyclically pinched and conjugacy pinched one-relator groups,
with B. Fine and G. Rosenberger pdf (Results in Mathematics, Volume 64, Issue 1, 175 - 184, 2013)
Classes of Groups Generalizing a Theorem of Benjamin Baumslag,
with B. Fine and G. Rosenberger pdf (Comm. in Algebra, 44:656 - 667, 2016)
Sofic groups: graph products and graphs of groups,
with Derek F. Holt and Sarah Rees (Pacific Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 271, No. 1, 53-64, 2014)
Conjugacy languages in groups,
with Derek Holt, Susan Hermiller and Sarah Rees (Israel Journal of Mathematics, 211, 311-347, 2016)
Finite generating sets of relatively hyperbolic groups and applications to geodesic languages,
with Yago Antolin, (Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., Volume 368, Number 11, 7965-8010, 2016)
Permutations of context-free, ET0L and indexed languages,
with Tara Brough, Murray Elder and Georg Zetzsche (Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science, vol 17:3, 167-178, 2016)
Solution sets for equations over free groups are EDT0L languages,
with Volker Diekert and Murray Elder (conference version, ICALP 2015, Kyoto)
Geodesic growth of right-angled Coxeter groups based on trees,
with Alex Kolpakov (Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 44(2), 249-264, 2016)
Solution sets for equations over free groups are EDT0L languages,
with Volker Diekert and Murray Elder (journal version, IJAC, 26:5, 843-886, 2016)
Formal conjugacy growth in acylindrically hyperbolic groups,
with Yago Antolin, (Int. Math. Res. Notices, 1, 1-37, 2017)
The generalised word problem in hyperbolic and relatively hyperbolic groups,
with Derek F. Holt and Sarah Rees (J. of Algebra, Vol.516, 149-171, 2018)
Applications of L systems to group theory,
with Murray Elder and Michal Ferov (IJAC, Vol.28, No.2, 309-329, 2018)
Free subgroups of free products and combinatorial hypermaps,
with Alexander Kolpakov (Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 342, 1415 - 1433, 2019)
The conjugacy ratio of groups,
with Charles Cox and Armando Martino (Proc. of the Edinburgh Math. Soc., Vol. 62, 895-911, 2019)
Three-dimensional maps and subgroup growth,
with Remi Bottinelli and Alexander Kolpakov (Manuscripta Mathematica, 168, pages 549–570 (2022))
Equations in groups that are virtually direct products,
with Derek F. Holt and Sarah Rees (J. of Algebra, Vol.545, 88-99, 2020)
Solution sets to systems of equations in hyperbolic groups are EDT0L in PSPACE,
with Murray Elder (ICALP 2019, 46th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming)
The conjugacy growth of the soluble Baumslag-Solitar groups,
with Alex Evetts and Meng-Che 'Turbo' Ho (New York Journal of Mathematics, 2020)
The complexity of solution sets to equations in hyperbolic groups,
with Murray Elder (Israel Journal of Maths, 245, pages 869–920 (2021))
The Post Correspondence Problem and equalisers for certain free group and monoid morphisms,
with Alan Logan (ICALP 2020)
Fixed points and stable images of endomorphisms for the free group of rank two,
with Alan Logan (J. of Algebra, Vol. 591, 2022, 538 - 576) arxiv
Variations on the Post Correspondence Problem for free groups,
with Alan
Logan (DLT 2021, Developments in Language Theory pp 90–102) arxiv
Formal conjugacy growth in graph products I,
with Susan Hermiller and Valentin Mercier (Groups, Geometry and Dynamics, Vol.17 (2023), no. 2, pp. 427–457) arxiv
Rational sets in virtually abelian groups: languages and growth,
with Alex Evetts (L’Enseignement Mathematique, to appear 2025) arxiv
Group equations with abelian predicates,
with Albert Garreta (Int. Math. Res. Notices, Volume 2024, Issue 5, March 2024, Pages 4119–4159) arxiv
The Post Correspondence Problem: From Computer Science to Algebra,
(LNCS, vol. 13608, Reachability Problems 2022, p. 28 - 36) publication
Post's correspondence problem for hyperbolic and virtually nilpotent groups,
with Alex Levine and Alan Logan (Bulletin of the LMS, 56: 159--175, 2024) arxiv
Languages, groups and equations,
with Alex Levine (Chapter in GAGTA book 3, Oct. 2024) arxiv
Effective equation solving, constraints and growth in virtually abelian groups,
with Alex Evetts and Alex Levine (SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry, to appear 2025) arxiv
Formal conjugacy growth in graph products II,
with Susan Hermiller and Valentin Mercier (2023, submitted) arxiv
Conjugacy growth and geodesics in dihedral Artin groups,
with Gemma Crowe
(2024) arxiv
Slice closures of indexed languages and word equations with counting constraints,
with Georg Zetzsche
(LICS 2024) Logic in Computer Science Symposium
Word equations, constraints, and formal languages,
(DLT Invited Paper 2024) Developments in Language Theory (arxiv)
Ordering groups and the Identity Problem,
with Corentin Bodart and George Metcalfe (2024)
Decompositions of finitely
generated groups
(Report about JSJ decompostions)
Representation theory and
combinatorics (Undergraduate Honors Thesis)
PhD Theses Supervised
Julie Brönnimann (Neuchâtel, 2016): Geodesic Growth of Groups
Valentin Mercier (Neuchâtel, 2017): Conjugacy Growth Series in Groups
Alex Evetts (Heriot-Watt, 2020): Aspects of Growth in Finitely Generated Groups
Alex Levine (Heriot-Watt, 2022): Equations in groups, formal languages and complexity
Gemma Crowe (Heriot-Watt, 2024): Conjugacy properties in classes of Artin groups and their extensions
Master Theses Supervised (list not updated)
Michele Feltz (Fribourg, 2010):
On the Conjugacy Problem in Groups and its Variants
Karin Comino (Fribourg, 2011):
Struktur und Wachstum von Graph Produkten
Fabio Teles (Neuchâtel, 2016): Problèmes de Décision
Charles Ashford (Heriot-Watt, 2017): At the Limit of Computability: Turing Machines
and Unsolvable Problems
Philoktitis Abel Velegrakis (Heriot-Watt, 2018): Coxeter groups: measuring the symmetry of shapes and spaces