REWERSE - reasoning on the web

Uwe Aßmann

Member of REWERSE participant


Involvement in REWERSE packages


Former and current employments

Current: Professor for Software Technology, Faculty of Computer Science, Technische Universität Dresden

Former: Professor for Software Engineering Programming Environments Lab (PELAB) Dept. of Computer Science, Linköpings universitet

Current professional interests

Software composition, second-generation component systems, software architecture, aspect-oriented programming, Semantic Web and ontology engineering, workflow systems, interdisciplinary artefact design, programming languages and compilers, optimizer generation, program analysis, graph rewrite systems
Other achievements: Co-designer of CoSy, the compiler component framework, marketed by ACE b.V. Amsterdam. OPTIMIX, the world's first optimizer generator for all phases of analysis and optimization. COMPOST, a library of meta-programming software composition operators.

Professional web page

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