REWERSE - reasoning on the web

François Fages

Member of REWERSE participant


Involvement in REWERSE packages

I3 : Composition and Typing
A1: Web-based Decision Support for Event, Temporal, and Geographical Data
A2 : Adding semantics to the bio-informatic web
ET : University education and training
TTA : Technology transfer

Former and current employments

Current: INRIA Rocquencourt, "CONTRAINTES" group
Previous: CNRS Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris.

Current professional interests

Most of my current work deals with Constraint Programming languages, from their fine relationship with mathematical logic (including linear logic), to new proof methods, type systems, new execution models (combining constraint propagation with state change) and new applications. Since 2002 I investigate formal tools for Systems Biology.

Former professional interests

Logic and Computation, automated deduction and design of high-level programming languages.

Professional web page

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