REWERSE - reasoning on the web

Hans Jürgen Ohlbach

Member of REWERSE participant


Involvement in REWERSE packages

Co-ordinator of workpackage A1
Research interest in I4 Xcerpt

Former and current employments

1981-1990: Member of Prof. Dr. Jörg H. Siekmanns research group, first in Karlsruhe, then in Kaiserslautern.
1991-1996 Senior Researcher at the Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken.
1996-1998 Research fellow (RA3) at the Dept. of Computing, Imperial College, London.
1998-2000 Senior Lecturer at the Dept. of Computer Science, King's College, London.

Current professional interests

Teaching: Undergraduate courses: Object-Oriented Programming (Informatik II), Technical Foundations of Computer Science, Operating Systems (Informatik III).
Graduate Courses: Description Logics, Languages for New Media, Computational Geometry

Research: Automated reasoning for non-classical logics, temporal reasoning, combinations of inference techniques, calendrical calculations, spacial reasoning, inferences for Web applications.

Former professional interests

Nuclear physics, building theorem provers for predicate logic, translation techniques for non-classical logics.

Professional web page

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