



Abstract Categorial Grammars

Lecturer(s):Philippe de Groote (LORIA / INRIA Lorraine) and Sylvain Pogodalla (LORIA / INRIA Lorraine)
Type:Introductory Course
Section:Logic and Language
Time: 11.00-12.30 (Slot 2)
Room:CM G.01


Abstract Categorial Grammars (ACGs) are a grammatical framework,
deriving from current type-logical grammars.  They allow several
exisisting grammatical formalisms to be encoded.

One of the main features of an ACG is that it relates two
languages of linear lambda-terms (which generalize both string and tree
languages): an abstract one and an object one so that a same structure
at the abstract level can be realized on different object levels
(phonological, syntactical, semantic...), each abstract-object
relation corresponding to an ACG.

Based on intuitionnistic linear logic, which captures important
features (ressource consciousness and intuitionnism) of different
syntactical formalisms (LFG, CFG, TAG...), it enables their study and
their relation with other formalisms (phonological, semantic or
pragmatic ones).

The course will present both the underlying theoretical approach and
the associated algorithms (proof search, lambda-term matching), and
the practical use (modelling of different formalisms, composition)
with the ACG developpment kit.


de Groote, Philippe 2001. Towards abstract categorial grammars.  In
Association for Computational Linguistics, 39th Annual Meeting and
10th Conference of the European Chapter.  (Toulouse,

de Groote, Philippe 2002. Tree-Adjoining Grammars as Abstract
Categorial Grammars. In TAG+6, Proceedings of the sixth International
Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related
Frameworks. (Università di Venezia, Italy).

de Groote, Philippe and Pogodalla, Sylvain 2003. m-Linear Context-Free
Rewriting Systems as Abstract Categorial Grammars.  Proceedings of
Mathematics of Language - MOL-8.  (Bloomington, Indiana,

Pogodalla, Sylvain 2004. Computing Semantic Representation: Towards
ACG Abstract Terms as Derivation Trees.  In Seventh International
Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammar and Related Formalisms - TAG+7.
(Vancouver, BC, Canada).


© ESSLLI 2005 Organising Committee 2004-12-08