F21DF Database and Information Systems

Dr Phil BartieDr Jeevani Goonetillake

Course co-ordinator(s): Dr Phil Bartie (Edinburgh), Dr Jeevani Goonetillake (Edinburgh), Drishty Sobnath (Dubai).


  • To equip students with a detailed and critical understanding of the processes and methodologies required for the analysis, specification and design of database systems and information systems, and the inter-relationship between such systems.
  • To provide the students with practical experience in designing, building and using databases, and critical awareness in the development and deployment of databases and information systems within organisations.

Detailed Information

Course Description: Link to Official Course Descriptor.

Pre-requisites: Undergraduate experience of database technologies, at least at application level. Numerate background..

Location: Dubai, Edinburgh.

Semester: 1.


  • Introduction to Information Systems;
  • Domain and Types of Information Systems;
  • Databases and Database Management System Concepts;
  • Data Modelling & Database Design;
  • Relational Data Model
  • SQL Language and Constructs;
  • Database connectivity
  • Emerging database technologies: e.g .XML, Data Warehousing, alternative database models

SCQF Level: 11.

Credits: 15.