F71SF Stochastic Analysis in Finance


This course aims to provide a good and rigorous understanding of the mathematics used in derivative pricing and to enable students to understand where the assumptions in the models break down.


  • Continuous time processes: basic ideas, filtration, conditional expectation, stopping times.
  • Continuous-time martingales, sub- and super-martingales, martingale inequalities, optional sampling.
  • Wiener process and Wiener martingale, stochastic integral, Itô calculus and some applications.
  • Multi-dimensional Wiener process, multi-dimensional Itô’s formula.
  • Stochastic differential equations, Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, Black-Scholes SDE, Bessel processes and CIR equations.
  • Change of measure, Girsanov’s theorem, equivalent martingale measures and arbitrage.
  • Representation of martingales.
  • The Black-Scholes model, self-financing strategies, pricing and hedging options, European and American options.
  • Option pricing and partial differential equations; Kolmogorov equations.
  • Further topics: dividends, reflection principle, exotic options, options involving more than one risky asset.

Detailed Information

Course Description: Link to Official Course Descriptor.

Pre-requisites: none.

Location: Edinburgh.

Learning Outcomes:

It is intended that students will demonstrate:

  • understanding of continuous-time stochastic processes and their role in modelling the evolution of random phenomena,
  • understanding of the Wiener process,
  • conceptual understanding of the stochastic Itô integral and Itô’s formula,
  • conceptual understanding of the main results and basic applications of stochastic Ito calculus,
  • understanding stochastic differential equations (SDE’s),
  • understanding of equivalent measures and in particular Girsanov’s theorem.
  • conceptual understanding of martingales in continuous time,
  • understanding of the application of the theory of stochastic calculus to option pricing problems,
  • understanding of the martingale representation theorem and its role in financial applications,
  • conceptual understanding of the role of martingales in the theory of derivative pricing,
  • conceptual understanding of the role of equivalent martingale measures in financial mathematics,
  • conceptual understanding of SDEs in stochastic modelling and in particular in finance,
  • understanding the concept of strategies in financial models,

by answering relevant exam questions.

Reading list:

The students are referred to the following texts.

  • Karatzas, I. & Shreve, S. (1988). Brownian Motion and Stochastic Calculus. Springer.
  • Baxter, M. & Rennie, A. (1996). Financial Calculus. CUP.
  • Etheridge, A. (2002). A Course in Financial Calculus. CUP.
  • Lamberton, D. & Lapeyre, B. (1996). Introduction to Stochastic Calculus Applied to Finance. Chapman & Hall.

SCQF Level: 11.

Credits: 15.

Other Information

Help: If you have any problems or questions regarding the course, you are encouraged to contact the course leader.

Canvas: further information and course materials are available on Canvas