Chris Eilbeck - publications 2000-2002

2-D Breathers and applications
J L Marín, J C Eilbeck and F M Russell, in ``Nonlinear Science at the Dawn of the 21th Century'', pp 293-306, Eds: P. L. Christiansen and M. P. Soerensen, Springer: Berlin, 2000. (pdf copy)
Moving kinks and nanopterons in the nonlinear Klein-Gordon lattice
A. V. Savin, Y. Zolotaryuk and J. C. Eilbeck, Physica D. 138, 267-281, (2000) (pdf copy)
On the Kleinian construction of Abelian functions of canonical algebraic curves
J C Eilbeck, V Z Enolskii, and D V Leykin, Proceedings of the 1998 SIDE III Conference, (2000). (pdf copy, ps copy)
Quasi-periodic and periodic solutions for coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations of Manakov type
P. L. Christiansen, J. C. Eilbeck, V. Z. Enolskii and N. A. Kostov, Proc. R. Soc. A 456 2263--2281 (2000). (pdf copy)
Bilinear operators and the power series for the Weierstrass σ function.
J C Eilbeck, V Z Enolskii, J. Phys. A . 33, 791-794, (2000). (pdf copy)
Breathers in cuprate-like lattices.
J L Marín, F M Russell and J C Eilbeck, Phys. Lett. A 281 21--25 (2001). (pdf copy)
Interplay between dispersive and non-dispersive modes in the polaron problem.
L. Cruzeiro-Hansson, J. C. Eilbeck, J. L. Marín and F. M. Russell, Phys Lett A, 266, 160-166, 2000. (pdf copy)
Breathers in systems with intrinsic and extrinsic nonlinearities.
L. Cruzeiro-Hansson, J. C. Eilbeck, J. L. Marín and F. M. Russell, Physica D, 142 101-112, (2000). (pdf copy)
Ephaptic Coupling of Myelinated Nerve Fibers.
S. Binczak, J.C. Eilbeck, and A. C. Scott, Physica D, 148 159-174 (2001). (pdf copy)
Quasi-periodic and periodic solutions for vector nonlinear Schrödinger equations
J. C. Eilbeck, V. Z. Enolskii and N. A. Kostov, J. Maths. Phys, 41, 8236-8248, 2000. (pdf copy)
Varieties of elliptic solitons
J. C. Eilbeck, V. Z. Enolskii and E. Previato, J. Phys. A, 34, 2215-2227, 2001. (pdf copy)
Exact Energy Bands and Fermi Surfaces of Separable Abelian Potentials
E. D. Belokolos, J. C. Eilbeck, V. Z. Enolskii, and M. Salerno, J. Phys. A, 34, 943-959, 2001. (pdf copy)
Analytical approach to the Davydov-Scott theory with on-site potential
Y Zolotaryuk and J C Eilbeck, Phys Rev B, 63, 054302 (2001) (14 pages) (pdf copy)
Multidimensional Schrödinger equations with Abelian potentials
V M Buchstaber, J. C. Eilbeck, V. Z. Enolskii, D V Leykin, and M. Salerno, J Math Phys, 43, 2858-2881, 2002 (pdf copy)

A full publication list is available.

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Last updated 17 Dec 2003

Chris Eilbeck / Heriot-Watt University / / tel. +44 (0)131 451 3220