Dr Simon J.A. Malham
- Room No. : CM T.21
Address : Mathematics Department
Heriot-Watt University
Edinburgh EH14 4AS
- E-Mail Address : S.J.A.Malham [at] hw.ac.uk
- The Navier-Stokes equations. Do solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations develop a singularity in finite time?
This is one of the Clay Millenium Prize problems worth a million dollars.
- Reaction-diffusion phenomena: Travelling waves; Autocatalysis; Combustion.
- Computational spectral theory: Evans function; Geometric methods; Grassmannian--Riccati methods; Multi-dimensional stability.
- Stochastic differential equations: Lie group integration; Efficient simulation; Shuffle and quasi-shuffle Hopf algebras; Heston model.
- Nonlinear partial differential equations: Direct linearisation, Fredholm Grassmannian flows and Poppe algebras.
- Coagulation phenomena: Smoluchowksi equation; Non-associative algebras; Binary trees; Simulation.
If you would like to know more or are interested in doing a PhD, email me (see address above).
- Bartuccelli, M.V., Gibbon, J.D. and Malham, S.J.A. 1993,
Lattice methods and the pressure field for solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations
Nonlinearity 6(1), pp. 79-92.
- Bartuccelli, M.V., Doering, C.R., Gibbon, J.D. and Malham, S.J.A. 1993,
Length scales in solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations
Nonlinearity 6(4), pp. 549-568.
- Bartuccelli, M.V., Doering, C.R., Gibbon, J.D. and Malham, S.J.A. 1993,
Length Scales and the Navier-Stokes Equations,
Proc.III Potsdam–V Kiev Int. Workshop on Nonlinear Processes in Physics, Aug. 1991., Ed. by D. Kaup, pp. 172–175.
- Bartuccelli, M.V., Doering, C.R., Gibbon, J.D. and Malham, S.J.A. 1993,
Length scales in solutions of dissipative PDEs, NATO Adv. Sci. Inst. Ser. B Phys. 312, pp. 97–100.
- Malham, S. and Xin, J. 1998,
Global solutions to a two-dimensional Boussinesq combustion system with front data on finite and infinite strips,
Proceedings of the Mittag-Leffler Institute 1995, pp. 1–17.
- Malham, S. and Xin, J. 1998,
Global solutions to a reactive Boussinesq system with front data on an infinite domain
Comm. Math. Phys. 193(2), pp. 287-316.
- Balmforth, N.J., Craster, R.V. and Malham, S.J.A. 1999, Unsteady fronts in an autocatalytic system
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 455, pp. 1401-1433.
- Malham, S.J.A. and Oliver, M. 2000, Accelerating fronts in autocatalysis
, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 456, pp. 1609-1624.
- Ford, R., Malham, S.J.A. and Oliver, M. 2002, A new model for shallow water in the low Rossby-number limit
, JFM 450, pp. 287-296.
- Aparicio, N.D., Malham, S.J.A. and Oliver, M. 2005,
Numerical evaluation of the Evans function by Magnus integration
(pdf), BIT 45, pp. 219-258.
- Lord, G., Malham, S.J.A. and Wiese, A.,
Efficient strong integrators for linear stochastic systems
(arxiv link),
SIAM J. on Numerical Analysis 46(6) (2008), pp. 2892-2919.
- Malham, S. and Niesen, J.,
Evaluating the Evans function: order reduction in numerical methods
(arxiv link),
Math. Comp. 77 (2008), pp. 159-179.
- Malham, S.J.A. and Wiese, A.,
Stochastic Lie group integrators
(arxiv link),
SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 30 (2) (2008), pp. 597-617.
- Ledoux, V., Malham, S.J.A. and Thummler, V.,
Grassmannian spectral shooting
(arxiv link),
Math. Comp. 79 (2010), pp. 1585-1619.
- Malham, S.J.A. and Wiese, A.,
Chi-square simulation of the CIR process and the Heston model
(arxiv link),
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance
16(3) (2013).
- Ledoux, V., Malham, S.J.A., Niesen, J. and Thummler, V.,
Computing stability of multi-dimensional travelling waves
(arxiv link),
SIAM J. on Applied Dynamical Systems 8(1) (2009), pp. 480-507.
- Malham, S.J.A. and Wiese, A.,
Stochastic expansions and Hopf algebras
(arxiv link),
Proc. R. Soc. A 465 (2009), pp. 3729-3749.
- Malham, S.J.A. and Wiese, A.,
Efficient almost-exact Levy area sampling
(arxiv link),
Statistics and Probability Letters 88 (2014), pp. 50-55.
- Ebrahimi-Fard, K., Lundervold, A., Malham, S.J.A.,
Munthe-Kaas, H. and Wiese, A.,
Algebraic structure of stochastic expansions and efficient simulation
(arxiv link),
Proc. R. Soc. A 468 (2012), pp. 2361-2382.
- Curry, C., Ebrahimi-Fard, K., Malham, S.J.A. and Wiese, A.,
Levy processes and quasi-shuffle algebras
(arxiv link),
Stochastics 86(4) (2014) pp. 632-642.
- Beck, M. and Malham, S.J.A. 2014,
Computing the Maslov index for large systems
(arxiv link),
Proc. Am. Math. Soc. (doi.10.1090/S0002-9939-2014-12575-5).
- Karambal, I. and Malham, S.J.A.,
Evans function and Fredholm determinants,
(arxiv link),
Proc. R. Soc. A:2015471 20140597;DOI: 10.1098/rspa.2014.0597.
Published 14 January 2015.
- Ebrahimi-Fard, K., Malham, S.J.A., Patras, F. and Wiese, A.,
Flows and stochastic Taylor series in Ito calculus,
(arxiv link),
2015 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48: 495202 doi:10.1088/1751-8113/48/49/495202
- Ebrahimi-Fard, K., Malham, S.J.A., Patras, F. and Wiese, A.,
The exponential Lie series for continuous semimartingales,
(arxiv link),
Proc. R. Soc. A :2015 471 20150429; DOI: 10.1098/rspa.2015.0429.
- Curry, C., Ebrahimi-Fard, K., Malham, S.J.A. and Wiese, A.,
Algebraic structures and stochastic differential equations driven by Levy processes,
(arxiv link),
Proceedings of the Royal Society A 2018.
- Beck, M., Doikou, A., Malham, S.J.A., and Stylianidis, I., 2019,
Grassmannian flows and applications to nonlinear partial differential equations,
(arxiv link),
Proceedings of the Abel Symposium 2016.
- Beck, M., Doikou, A., Malham, S.J.A., and Stylianidis, I., 2018,
Partial differential systems with nonlocal nonlinearities: Generation and solutions
(arxiv link),
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 376: 20170195.
- Doikou, A., Malham, S.J.A., and Wiese, A., 2019,
Stochastic analysis and discrete quantum systems,
(arxiv link),
Nuclear Physics B 945: 114658.
- Doikou, A., Malham, S.J.A., and Wiese, A., 2020,
Time evolution in quantum systems and stochastics,
(arxiv link),
Centre de Recherches Mathematiques Series.
- Malham, S.J.A., Shen, J. and Wiese A., 2021,
Series expansions and direct inversion for the Heston model,
(arxiv link),
SIAM J. Financial Mathematics 12(1).
- Doikou, A., Malham, S.J.A. and Stylianidis, I. 2021,
Grassmannian flows and applications to non-commutative non-local and local integrable systems,
(arxiv link),
Physica D 415: 132744.
- Malham, S.J.A. 2022,
Integrability of local and nonlocal non-commutative fourth order quintic NLS equations,
(arxiv link), IMA J. Appl. Math..
- Malham, S.J.A. 2022,
The non-commutative Korteweg-de Vries hierarchy and combinatorial Poppe algebra,
(journal link), Physica D 434.
- Doikou, A., Malham, S.J.A., Stylianidis, I. and Wiese A., 2023,
Poppe triple systems and integrable equations,
(journal link), PDEs in Applied Mathematics 8, 100565.
- Doikou, A., Malham, S.J.A., Stylianidis, I. and Wiese A., 2023,
Applications of Grassmannian flows to coagulation equations,
(journal link), Physica D 451, 133771.
- Blower, G., Malham, S.J.A. 2023,
The algebraic structure of the non-commutative nonlinear Schrodinger and modified Korteweg-de Vries hierarchy,
(journal link), Physica D 456, 133913.
- Malham, S.J.A. 2024, Coagulation, non-associative algebras and binary trees,
(journal link), Physica D 460, 134054.
- Blower, G., Malham, S.J.A. 2024,
Direct linearisation of the non-commutative Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equations,
(arxiv link), submitted.
- Malham, S.J.A., Wiese A., Xu, Y. 2024,
Direct inversion for the squared Bessel process and applications,
(arxiv link), submitted .
Unpublished manuscripts/reviews/notes/thesis
- Malham, S.J.A.,
Regularity assumptions and length scales for the Navier-Stokes equations,
PhD Thesis (July 1993), 129 pages.
- Malham, S.J.A.,
An introduction to asymptotic analysis,
Lecture notes (Nov 2005), 56 pages.
- Malham, S.J.A.,
Differential equations and linear algebra,
Lecture notes (March 2008), 95 pages.
- Ledoux, V. and Malham, S.J.A.,
Spectral shooting is Schubert calculus,
Unpublished working manuscript (Nov 2009), 14 pages.
- Malham, S.J.A. and Wiese, A.,
An introduction to SDE simulation,
Lecture notes (Feb 2010), 27 pages.
- Malham, S.J.A.,
An introduction to Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics,
Lecture notes (Aug 2016), 87 pages. (Complete detailed solutions available on request.)
- Doikou, A., Malham, S.J.A., Stylianidis, I. and Wiese A.,
Applications of Grassmannian flows to integrable systems (2022),
(arxiv link),
detailed preprint to PDEAM article above.
Last updated: 13th January 2025. S.J.A.Malham [at] hw.ac.uk
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